Barry Plant's Website CMS allows users to easily update Barry Plant website content (agent profiles, pages etc) for any office/s they have access to. 

Logins & Responsibilities

Every Barry Plant office will be able to log in to the Website Content Management System (CMS) to maintain the details on their website. Please update your password when you log in. 

To do this, press your username (bottom left) go to Account Settings then CHANGE PASSWORD, update the details to a new and secure password. Do not share your password and/or username.

The URL for the Website CMS is:   

Requesting Access

If someone new requires access to the Website CMS the request must be sent to Head Office via by an Office Director, confirming which Office/s CMS they should have access to.

Staff Changes

Please ensure your Website Content Management System (CMS) password is updated if anyone leaves your business that had access to the CMS.

New User Overview Tutorial