Office Home Pages / Profiles can be updated and edited in the Website CMS by Office Website Users. To update Office Home Page / Profiles, you must have access to the Website CMS. If you don't have access or can't remember how to access the CMS, please click here for more information.


Website Office Home Page / Profile Overview Tutorial Video

Website Office Home Page / Profile Overview Tutorial Text Instructions

To update your Office's Home Page / Profile, log in to the CMS on your Desktop, then use the search box top left to search for the Office by name, or, click Pages > Offices in the left-hand nav and press EDIT on the office you want to edit.

Here's an outline of fields that can and can't be edited:

Content tab

PAGE TITLE: Don't edit the Page Title which is the office's name. This name is set up by Corporate and needs to be correct. Changing the name will have other consequences across the entire site. If you think it needs to be changed, please submit a support ticket with the details and our Corporate team will review the request.

FEATURED IMAGE: There must be a Featured Image for every office; this is the large Hero Photo that appears at the top of your office's home page. Even if you have a video, you still need to add a Featured Image, as this shows if the video doesn't load immediately.

HERO TEXT: Don't edit the Hero Text, this is set up by Corporate and needs to be consistent across all offices. Changing the name may have consequences for SEO. If you think it needs to be changed, please submit a support ticket with the details and our Corporate team will review the request.

HERO SECONDARY BUTTON TEXT: Ignore this field as it will soon be removed.

HERO SECONDARY BUTTON PAGE: Ignore this field as it will soon be removed.

HERO VIDEO: If you would like a video instead of a large image at the top of your Office's Home page, you can add a video. Note that the video should not have any branding as the video may appear behind site text and search options. Here are the steps to upload a new video:

1) Download your MP4 video with no branding in landscape format. 

2) Go to "Documents" in the left-hand nav of the CMS.

3) Select the + Add a document button top right.

4) Find and upload the video from your computer

5) Once the video uploads you can change the name under the "Title Field" add it to the collection "Office Specific Images" and add your office's Tag if needed, then press "Update"

6) Go back to "Documents" in the left-hand nav and click on the video you uploaded, press the "Copy Full URL" button, this is the URL you will paste under the "Hero video URL" field on your office's profile in the CMS.

SUBTITLE: This is a short one-line introduction to your office, it should be customised to your office.

DESCRIPTION: This is the bio "About Us" description for your office, it should be professionally written, customised for your office and it should outline who you are, a bit about your history, your services and what makes you an agency of choice in your local area. 

It's important for SEO to keep your Bio consistent across platforms, for example, you should use your website bio to adapt for bios across Social Media and other platforms.

TRADING HOURS: Keep your office's trading hours up-to-date on your website.

It's important for SEO to have consistent trading hours across all websites and social media channels.

CONTENT BLOCKS: Please refer to separate tutorials for how to update or add Content Blocks on your Office's Home Page. Content Blocks are optional and you can add/remove or re-order these through your Office Home Page / Profile. Content block options on office home pages include:

- A variety of text, image and call-to-action options

- Our Team

- Properties

- Latest news

- Suburbs serviced

- Video 

- IFrame

- Latest videos

- Testimonials

LOCATION: Ensure your office's address and location details are always up-to-date. You can include more than one office address if you have two offices in a suburb, for example, if you have a Sales Office and a Property Management Office.

If you move address, you can find the right Longitude and Latitude via this website.

CONTACT DETAILS: Keep your office's phone numbers up to date. 

It's important for SEO to have consistent address and phone numbers for each location across all websites.

BEFORE YOU BID API: If your office utilises Before You Bid you can add your office ID here to set up the website integration on your Property Listings for Building & Pest Inspections. This is optional. Please note that this Before You Bid option will be moved to the "Settings" tab with the other integration options in due course.

SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: Add in the URL links to your office's professional Social Media Channels.

ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS: This field is used if your office has more than one location in the same suburb, you can add the secondary address.

SERVICED SUBURBS: Any suburbs that your office services should be added here. You can add more suburbs, remove suburbs or re-order suburbs as required. If you try to add a suburb that can't be found this will be caused by a missing Suburb Profile. 

Please email if any suburb profiles are missing, or to update any details on your local suburb profiles including photo or description.

RELATED OFFICES: If your office is part of a group, you can add your other offices here and they will display on your office's profile as related offices.

IMAGE GALLERY: Ignore this field as it doesn't do anything and will soon be removed.

Promote Tab 

"PROMOTE" tab within the office profile. Don't change any details in this tab, if you think something looks off you can contact our support team.

Settings Tab 

Title Colour. Ignore this field, will be removed soon.

Template override. Ignore this field.

Custom link title. Ignore this field.

Source ID. Admin settings = Listonce IDs, don't remove existing ID numbers. The ID numbers identify which listings should show on the website under this office.

Legacy Post ID. Admin setting, don't remove any existing Legacy ID numbers. The ID numbers identify which listings should show on the website under this office.

Inspect realestate Listing. Check the box if listings come from Inspect Real Estate.

Hero Image Anchor. You can select whether the hero image on your home page should be anchored to the top, middle or bottom of the image depending on where you want the focal point of the image. 

Important Notice. You can add an Important Notice banner to your office's home page or all pages on your office's website, this banner can link to another section of your website, for example, a news article. This should be used for critical customer-facing announcements only.

Inspect Real Estate. Update this section with your office's ID numbers etc if you wish to use the Inspect Real Estate integration on your office's website.

Ignite Applications. Update this section with your office's ID number etc if you wish to use the Ignite integration on your office's website for Rental Applications.

Snug Integration. Update this section with your office's ID number etc if you wish to use the Snug integration on your office's website for Rental Applications.

Our Property Integration. Update this section with your office's ID number etc if you wish to use the Our Properties integration on your office's website.

Listing search shared offices. You can have other neighbouring office's listings shared on your website by adding them here, you can choose to display sales, rentals or all of their listings on your website.

Search Pages. Don't touch this section as it's built by Corporate and will affect search and search pages on your office's website. If you think something is wrong with search on your office site, please contact us.

Property Banner AdsThis field isn't relevant, please ignore it.

SEO Tab 

Please ignore the SEO tab as this is automatically set up for all offices. 

Emails Tab 

You can update where enquiries go via this tab, you can update where "Sales" and "Rentals" enquiries go, and you can update who gets Sales and Rental Appraisals and Maintenance Requests if your office uses the Maintenance Request Form option. Please note that general office enquiries will go to your Office's email in Listonce, so it's important the Listonce email is the correct email for office enquiries. Multiple people can receive emails, you just need to separate the email addresses with a comma and no spaces. Please ignore the other form options under "Maintenance Requests".

When you make changes to emails, please test the form on the website a few hours later to make sure the right people are receiving the email/s.

Agents Tab 

If you would like your team in a certain order on your location’s website, you can re-order them here. Under each staff member’s name, if the “Ordering” is set to “Default” this means there is no ordering applied and the person will be ordered as per the site-wide ordering logic. 

To re-order, use the arrows, and sort the team as you like. Once you are finished, select the arrow next to “SAVE DRAFT” and “PUBLISH” your changes. 

You can edit this order at any time and you will need to order new staff members appropriately once you set a custom order. This order of staff only applies to the order of staff on this Location’s website. You can update where enquiries go via this tab, you can update where "Sales" and "Rentals" enquiries go, and you can update who gets Sales and Rental Appraisals and Maintenance Requests if your office uses the Maintenance Request Form option. Please note: This order of staff does not apply to the Main Website. You can restore staff back to the default order by ticking "Default" and re-publising. WARNING: The delete button on agents within this tab will REMOVE that agent from this office entirely. 

Menus Tab 

Please ignore this tab as it's the navigation structure and it needs to be consistent across the entire website. If you need menu changes please email our support team.

Saving Your Changes

You can press "Save Draft" to save where you're at with your changes, once you're done with your changes, press the arrow next to the save draft button at the bottom of the screen and select "Publish".

Updates to website pages can take up to 1 hour due to caching. Please check all changes after an hour or so to make sure they have come through correctly.

Always check the live site when you make changes to make sure everything looks as it should. If you have any issues with updating you can email our support team for assistance