TIP: Please make sure the agent or staff member isn't already in the system. Each agent or staff member should have just one listing on the website—avoid entering them more than once.

If they belong to more than one office, they can be shared among multiple offices, and you can display various offices on their profile.

Searching For An Agent or Staff Member

On the live website check for the staff member under https://www.barryplant.com.au/our-team/. In the website CMS (desktop), use the search box at the top left of the page and search the agent by their first name. If are not in the system you can create a profile.

Creating an Agent / Staff Profile

If the agent isn’t already in the system, click the Arrow (>) next to Pages in the left-hand nav menu then click Agents. Click the +Add Real Estate Agent button at the top right of the page.

Agent Content Tab

Complete as much of the agent profile details as possible as outlined below.

Page Title 

Agent/Staff member's Full Name

Name Short Field 

This field isn't relevant, please ignore it.

Job Title

Agent/Staff member's Job Title as you would like it to appear on the website


Staff member’s Barry Plant Email Address i.e. xxx@barryplant.com.au

Show Request Free Consultation Button 

If the box is ticked the Request Free Consultation button is enabled on the agent profile and this agent may receive appraisal leads. If unticked, the button will not display.

Show Send Enquiry Button

If the box is ticked the email form and enquiry button is enabled on the agent profile. If unticked, clients will not be able to email the agent via the website

Hide Statistics 

Statistics are optional on agent profiles and the details are pulled in from the website. If a staff member doesn’t want statistics, or doesn’t have enough data for statistics, you can tick the hide statistics button and this will remove the statistics from the profile.


Agent/Staff member's Direct Office Number or Mobile Number

Format - Landline i.e. 03 9840 9555 (ensure area code and number is spaced correctly)

Format - Mobile i.e. 0400 000 000 (ensure number is spaced correctly)

Office Phone

Office Phone Number

Intro Text

A quote or short paragraph of text can be emphasised on agent/staff profiles, this paragraph will be displayed in a larger font at the start of the profile.

TIP: It is recommended that agent/staff profiles are professionally written by a copywriter who understands SEO. If profiles are written in-house, please ensure to spell check carefully before posting to the website.

About Me

This is where a full bio about the agent/staff member can be added. We advise against leaving this section blank, at a minimum this section should talk about the person’s role at Barry Plant. 

Social Media

Any social media pages promoted under the Barry Plant brand must be approved by the office Principal and set up in-line with Barry Plant Social Media Guidelines. As per our Social Media Guidelines - Office Principals and Barry Plant’s Head Office reserves the right to request removal of pages that don’t meet their approval or policies

  • Facebook: Office, Agent or Corporate page i.e. https://www.facebook.com/barryplant.realestate/
  • LinkedIn: Office, Agent or Corporate page i.e. https://linkedin.com/company/barry-plant
  • Instagram: Office, Agent or Corporate page i.e https://www.instagram.com/barryplant.realestate/
  • Twitter: Office, Agent or Corporate page i.e @barryplantre
  • Youtube: Office, Agent or Corporate page i.e https://www.youtube.com/user/BarryPlantRE
  • Website URL: i.e. https://www.markdigiulio.com/
  • Video URL: i.e. Link to Youtube Channel or Playlist

Profile Image

TIP: Ideal image size photos on for staff / agent profiles on the Barry Plant website is 900 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. Here's a Canva template you can use to resize your images >

  • Under "Profile Image":
  • Click UPLOAD
  • Find the file to upload
  • Click UPLOAD

TIP: Label the photo as the staff member's full name then the office, i.e.
John Smith - Barry Plant Docklands

If there was a previous photo for the staff member that you are updating, it is recommended you delete that photo from the CMS.

Content Blocks

The following Content Block options are available for Agent Profiles in the CMS:

  • Recent properties (Property Listings)

  • Agent Testimonials (allows you to add the testimonial just for that agent in their profile)

  • Video & Text Slider (allows you to add a video or multiple videos for the agent from Vimeo or Youtube)

  • Awards

  • Latest news (News Articles)

  • iFrame (allows embed of widget)

If you add Content Blocks, you can change the order of these blocks using the up and down arrows, the trash can icon will delete the Content Block. The settings of each content block can be updated. If you have difficulty with adding content blocks please email our Head Office support team support@barryplant.com.au and we will assist you.


Under "Offices" Press “Choose a page (Office Page)” and search for the primary office that the staff member works from by name, press on the office to select.

TIP: If the agent / staff member works across multiple offices you can press "+Add offices" and repeat the step above to add more offies. The first office should be their primary office location, you can use the arrow to re-order. Note that adding an agent to an office will show the agent on that office's team pages.


Under "Categories" assign any staff member categories so that they appear in the right searches, staff members may belong to multiple categories, for example, a Sales Person can be an “Auctioneer” and a “Sales Consultant”. Add as many categories as are applicable to ensure the staff member shows up in all the right searches.


Under "Departments" assign staff member department so that they appear int he right searches, staff members may belong to multiple departments, for example, a Director may appear in “Management”, “Sales” and “Property Management” as applicable. Please don’t use the “Board of Directors” Department category as this is for the Corporate Board.


Please add any other languages that the staff member fluently speaks, this will allow the staff member to be searched by that language. For example if a seller is looking for a Cantonese speaking agent they can search Cantonese speaking agents.

Agent Promote Tab

Please ignore this tab don’t change the Slug or adjust any settings in the Promote Tab. If your agent Slug/URL needs updating contact our support team so we can set this up correctly for you.

Agent Settings Tab

Title Colour

Ignore this field, it doesn’t do anything.

Template Override

Ignore this field.

Source ID's

Agent Listonce ID numbers should be added under “Source IDs”. If the agent is missing from a property listing on the Barry Plant website - this will be because their ID number hasn’t been assigned to their profile. The website matches the agent to the listing via their ID number. The primary Listonce ID should be selected as “YES” under the “Is Primary” field. 

Legacy Post ID

Ignore this field.

Offmarket Reports

If the agent advertises Off Market listings on the Barry Plant website, they can choose the frequency of alerts (Daily, Weekly) for people looking at their off market listings.

Saving / Publishing the Agent Profile

As you make changes you can press “Save Draft” anytime to save where you are up to. These changes will not show live on the website until you select the arrow next to “Save Draft” and choose “PUBLISH”.

Deleting or hiding an agent / staff profile

Using the button at the bottom of the screen, you can choose to “UNPUBLISH” a profile, this is an ideal option if your staff member is on extended leave and wants to be hidden from the website. You can also choose to “DELETE” which will permanently remove the profile. Once you have deleted a profile this is a permanent removal and the details cannot be recovered from the CMS.  If a staff member has changed offices, we can use the same profile, you can email support@barryplant.com.au if you need help changing an agents office.

TIP: If a staff member leaves, don't forget to fill out the Employee Exit form for any staff departures so the staff member is removed from Google Workspace, the Intranet etc.

Agent missing from property listing/s

A question we get asked quite a lot is why agents are missing from a property listing on the Barry Plant website. The majority of the time, this is due to the fact that one of the Agent's Listonce ID Numbers hasn't been added to their Agent Profile in the website CMS. 

The ID number is what associates the agent website profile with the listing via the property listing feed the website receives from Listonce.

If you have a listing where an agent is not displaying on the website, we recommend you check Listonce IDs and make sure they are added to the Agents profile. Here's how:

Checking Agent's Listonce ID numbers:

  • Log in to the office's Listonce Account.
  • Via the arrow at the top right of the page, go to "Settings".
  • Select "Manage Your Agents".
  • Search for the agent by their name.
  • Make a note of their Listonce ID Numbers (there could be multiple) - the Listonce ID is the number in the first column titled "ID".

Please note: if the agent has worked for another Barry Plant office and wants to display their old listings, this can be done by adding their previous ID numbers. Likewise, if an agent is sharing management of a property with another office that has posted the listing and added the agent into Listonce, then that office will need to provide the new Listonce ID to add that to the website as well. 

Adding Agent's Listonce ID's to their website profile:

  • Log into the office's website CMS backend.
  • Search for the agent and press "Edit" to change their profile.
  • Go to the "Settings" tab and under "Source ID", add in any applicable Listonce ID numbers.
  • Once you've finished adding all of the Listonce ID numbers, go to the bottom and use the arrow next to "Save Draft" to select "Publish" and publish your changes.
  • Set a reminder to check after about an hour or so that the agent is now appearing on all of their listings. 

Always check the live site when you make changes to make sure everything looks as it should. If you have any issues with updating content blocks you can email our support team for assistance support@barryplant.com.au.