Projects are off the plan or brand new developments with multiple properties for sale within the development or housing estate. The Project page on the Barry Plant website is the parent page with information about the overall Project including Project image, description, video, developer information, link to brochure etc.

Individual listings within a project should be added to the website as you would add a normal listing, including the floorplan, price and description of that listing - this is free if you don't send the listings to the portals. This means buyers can still search for those individual listings via the normal search function and you can share the listings via Activepipe etc. 

The individual listings can also be linked to the parent project page so that buyers can easily click through to view more information on each apartment/townhouse etc. Instructions below on how to link individual listings to a project.


  1. Log in to the website CMS (Wagtail) on your computer.
  2. Go to PROJECTS In the left-hand menu, select Pages then  Projects. Existing Projects under your office's management will appear in this section of your website CMS.
  3. To add a new Project, press +Add Project top right of the page.
  4. To edit an existing Project, hover over the Project (or search for it by name) and press EDIT


  1. TITLE is the name of the development/project or housing estate.
  2. SLUG is the text that appears at the end of the project URL
  3. CONTACT EMAIL this is the contact email for project enquiries
  4. STATUS Off the Plan, Under Construction, Completed or Sold. (This should be updated as the project progresses), note that if one lot or apartment sells, you can mark this as sold in the individual listing and if it’s linked with the project it will show as sold.
  5. PROJECT TYPE New Development
  6. ADDRESS The address of the entire development, do not include individual unit/townhouse/lot numbers here.
  7. LOCATION  You can either move the pin on the map manually OR copy and paste the longitude and latitude coordinates - visit and search the address to obtain coordinates.
  8. HEADLINE Your intro heading for the project
  9. DESCRIPTION A more description of the overall project
  10. SIDEBAR CONTENT See below
  11. IMAGE One hero image of the project is required. Multiple images can be added.
  12. DOCUMENT A Statement of Information is required, or, if it has been added to the individual listings attached to the project you can state this at the end of the description text, for example: Please view the individual listings below for Statement of Information.
  13. AGENTS At least one contact agent is required. Press +ADD AGENTS to choose which managing agents to assign to the Project.
  14. OFFICES A listing office is required. Press +ADD OFFICE to select your office as the managing office.
  15. To add documents, for example, a price list or Statement of Information:

    Under Documents press +ADD DOCUMENTS.

    Select date from the calendar

    Select document type (i.e. Statement of Information)

    Choose and upload the file from your computer (should be in PDF format)

    Repeat the above steps for any other document types, i.e. Due Diligence Checklists, Price List, Specifications etc.


  1. PROJECT LOGO If the development/project has its own logo you may upload it here. Please ensure the logo quality is suitable.
  2. OTHER DOCUMENTS You can attach documents including Project Brochure, Contracts or Section 32 Statements, Estate Plan, Site Plan/s, Specifications, Price Lists etc.


To edit Sidebar content:

  1. Enter a Title, i.e. Developer
  2. Enter Content, i.e. Property Developer Pty Ltd
  3. Optional: Enter URL link, i.e. to developer website
  4. To add more than one sidebar item, click the plus + symbol at the bottom.
  5. To reorder how the items appear, click the up or down arrows at the top of that sidebar item
  6. To delete an item, click the trash can symbol at the top of that sidebar item

SAVE YOUR CHANGES When all required fields are completed click Save. This will publish the page to the website, but note it can take 15+ minutes for changes to appear live. It is recommended to always view your changes on the live site, to ensure everything has come through correctly, including testing the email enquiry form.


Projects usually have individual apartments, units or lots, you can add these to the Barry Plant website as actual listings so that they can be found in search. If you have added project child listings, here's how you can link the child listing to the Project so it shows under the project.

  1. In the CMS go to "Pages" in the left hand nav, then "Properties"
  2. Find the child listing that belongs to the listing by searching for it. You can filter by "Current" and the class i.e. "Residential" to make it easier to search and find the listing.
  3. Select "EDIT" on the listing once you've found it.
  4. Under "Parent Project" use the drop down to search and find the project that this listing belongs to and select it.
  5. Once you're done press the SAVE button.
  6. Repeat the steps above to assign more Child listings to the project.

Set a reminder to update the Project information regularly so it doesn't get forgotten.

Don't forget to update the status at the various stages and keep the details up-to-date i.e.

  • Coming Soon
  • Off the plan
  • Under construction
  • Completed
  • SOLD

To update the status:

  • In your website CMS, left-hand menu, go to Pages > Projects
  • Hover on the relevant project and click EDIT
  • From the Status Dropdown box, select the relevant status then click Save
  • If the entire Project is withdrawn:
  • In your website CMS, left-hand menu, go to Pages > Projects
  • Hover over the relevant project and click Delete (please note that this action cannot be undone)