To add a Image & Text: bANNER to your office's home page, agent profile or other page.

Find the "CONTENT BLOCKS section on the page and press the plus (+) symbol under CONTENT BLOCKS and under the content block options choose the "Image & Text: Banner" content block. Update the details as follows:

  • HEADING - add the headline to display
  • CONTENT - add the description to appear
  • CALL TO ACTION TEXT - If you want a button, this is the button text
  • CALL TO ACTION LINK - Use this option to choose the page you'd like the call to action to link to
  • CALL TO ACTION EXTERNAL LINK - Use this option to link to an external URL outside of the website
  • IMAGE - this is where you upload the image to appear on this content block
  • IMAGE LOCATION - you can choose to anchor th eimage either left or right
  • BACKGROUND COLOUR - you can choose either sand or navy for the background

Here's an example of an Image & Text: Banner on desktop:

Always check the live site when you make changes to make sure everything looks as it should. If you have any issues with updating content blocks you can email our support team for assistance