To add a Image & Text: Call to Action to your office's home page, agent profile or other page.

Find the "CONTENT BLOCKS section on the page and press the plus (+) symbol under CONTENT BLOCKS and under the content block options choose the "Image & Text: Call to Action" content block. Update the details as follows:

  • HEADING - add the headline to display
  • SUB HEADING - add the description to appear
  • BACKGROUND IMAGE - upload the photo you want to appear in the background. 
  • IMAGE POSITION - anchor the image to the top, middle or bottom of the photo, depending on where you want the focus to be.
  • DESCRIPTION - ignore this field
  • PRESS THE PLUS (+) symbol under Call to action links to add a link.
  • If you add one link, this is how it appears:

  • Multiple links can also be added and they appear like this (with this option you can't have description text):

Always check the live site when you make changes to make sure everything looks as it should. If you have any issues with updating content blocks you can email our support team for assistance